Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Oh My Gosh!

I had a MAJOR meltdown last night (vodka was involved...I get that from my cousin Ali...).

I dont know what happened but I went to check the date for the Feel the Heat comp, then I went and checked the guidelines again to see how many pages my synopsis had to be...and then it happened...it leapt out at me...

My WIP doesnt meet the criteria for MODERN HEAT!!!

I got so caught up in writing something that was HOT from the start, I forgot about the Modern Heat guidelines. I'm writing a freakin INTRIGUE novel....SHIT SHIT SHIT.

Then the vodka flowed.

My husband laughed his head off and asked me "How many times did you read the submission guidelines?

Two, two times I read them. I just forgot.

Feel very down. I have nothing that will fit and doubt very much I can come up with something in two weeks.

Sigh...no editor for a year for me...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Hey, an Intrigue is good. No competition perhaps but I see you have joined us on the H/S Intrigue board and the ladies there are so generous with their advice. They're helping me through the writing of my current Intrigue and I am very grateful to them.
Good luck with adjusting the story.